Mrs. Parker-Benton

My Imperfect Life as a Stay at Home Wife

Archive for the tag “God”

3 Ways to Build Up Your Child’s Self-Worth

The Mom Life is such a rewarding life. Every milestone from crawling to walking is amazing. However, in its imperfections the mom life can be hard. I like to think of myself as a Momma bear, caring for and protecting her cubs from any hurt, harm, or danger. What do you do when you can’t stop the imperfections of life? When bullying, a poor grade, or a lost competition makes your child feel so bad that they forget just how valuable they are?

Well, I build up my children’s self-worth.

1. Prayer & Devotional Time

Praying for and with my children are important parts of my day. Praying for their safety, choices, friends, and future are just a few areas I like to focus on. Prayer reminds me to trust God with the precious gifts He has given me and how to care for them in a way that is honoring to Him. I enjoy praying with my children all together and individually; its awesome to hear them pray. Devotional Time and/or Bible Study is a great opportunity to spend time with my kids. It gives us a chance to see how much God loves us and for them to see how much worth He gave us.

Embracing who God made them to be

is the beginning of building up your child’s self-worth. 



Listen & Be Open 

Listening is the key to any great relationship and the parent-child relationship is no exception. I like to set aside specific times, like before bed or parent-child activities to have candid conversations with my each of my children. I find it helpful to ask questions about my children’s dreams, goals, friends, likes/dislikes, and how they feeling about any and everything. Of course, as they get older the conversations with each child changes. While my sons dream of being Ninja Turtles, my daughter is now seeing how her dream of being a doctor can come true one day. I have found that listening is best effective when I am open and my children feel comfortable to talk to me.

Listening will allow you to give the best guidance

to build up your child’s self-worth.


Love: Say It & Show It!

I try to tell my children that I love them several times a day. Encouraging my children to try their best and motivating them to work through life’s imperfections is another way I express my love. I truly believe love is an action word. God the Father gave us this example when He gave Jesus to die for our sins. Spending time reading, painting, telling jokes, having rap battles and dance offs as a family shows my children my love for them. I even have special nicknames, songs and symbols for each to remind my children of their uniqueness and talents.

Love is essential to building up your child’s self-worth. 

Image result for love is patient

The Child Life is a exciting life. Its a time for new beginnings, like the first loose tooth or the first Christmas. Yet, the imperfect moments like an embarrassing experience at school or getting your heartbroken can seem like the end of the world. As Christians we must be committed to helping our children grow to have a strong and clear understanding of who they are in Christ. It’s our job as parents to pray continuously, listen openly and love unconditionally in order for our children to be reminded of their worth.

And if at any time my children start to doubt their worth

Momma will be their waiting, with a big bear hug.

Be Inspired! Be Radical! Be Blessed! 


Therefore encourage one another and build one another up, just as you are doing.

1 Thessalonians 5:11

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